A héten egy rendkívül különleges helyen jártam, amit mindenképpen szeretnék megmutatni nektek! A városban ugyanis látogatható egy interaktív kiállítás, ami Szabó Magda születésének 100., halálának pedig 10. évfordulója alkalmából állít emléket.
I went to a very special place this week I'd definitely like to show you! There's an interactive exhibition in Budapest on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth and the 10th anniversary of death of Magda Szabó.
I went to a very special place this week I'd definitely like to show you! There's an interactive exhibition in Budapest on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth and the 10th anniversary of death of Magda Szabó.
You may probably heard about the writer's novel Abigel, whereof also television series, musical and audio book were made. But this time, thanks to the MTVA, you can really become part of the story and be a student of Matula too.
Three different enteriours were arranged: visitors can go to the classroom, to Gedeon Torma headmaster's office and sit down next to the Abigel's statue in a small garden display the arboretum.
You can try on Georgina Vitay's uniform and many other costumes or various accessories at Radio and Television History Exhibition until 31st December. At the end of the visit don't forget to write down your best wishes and drop them into Abigel's pot! She will help to make it true! ;)
Photo: Nagysolymosi Gábor
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