Kilövésre felkészülni, ez a szezon sokkal csillogóbb lesz, mint bármelyik eddigi! Jöhet minden, ami metál, króm, flitteres vagy kristályokkal kirakott. Legalábbis ezt sugallja az idén 150 éves amerikai Harper's Bazaar címlapjához készített divatanyaga, amely az Űrodüsszeia c. sci-fi regény alapján készült. Gigi Hadid csupa menő szettben pózol, melyek nemcsak rakétakilövéshez és holdon sétáláshoz tökéletesek, hanem az őszi mindennapokban is. :)
Get ready for launching, this season will be much glittering than any other! Anything can come that is metallic, chrome, sequin or crystals. At least, this is suggested by the 150th anniversary celebrating Harper's Bazaar's US cover story, which is inspired by sci-fi novel Space Odyssey. Gigi Hadid is posing in all sorts of cool sets that are perfect not only for rocket launching and moon walking, but also on a simple autumn day too. :)
Get ready for launching, this season will be much glittering than any other! Anything can come that is metallic, chrome, sequin or crystals. At least, this is suggested by the 150th anniversary celebrating Harper's Bazaar's US cover story, which is inspired by sci-fi novel Space Odyssey. Gigi Hadid is posing in all sorts of cool sets that are perfect not only for rocket launching and moon walking, but also on a simple autumn day too. :)
Képek forrása: Pinterest
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