A Szilveszteri parti sztárja ezúttal egyértelműen a flitteres overall! Egyszerre elegáns, csillogó, bohém és nagyon szexi. A celebek is imádják, most rajtatok a sor, hogy kipróbáljátok. Érezzétek jól magatokat 2015 utolsó éjszakáján! :)
The perfect outfit for the New Year's party is a sequin jumpsuit! It's elegant, sparkling, boho and also very sexy. Celebrities love it, it's time for you to try it too! Have fun on the last night of 2015! :)
The perfect outfit for the New Year's party is a sequin jumpsuit! It's elegant, sparkling, boho and also very sexy. Celebrities love it, it's time for you to try it too! Have fun on the last night of 2015! :)
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