Szexi, élénk és geometrikus - ez a Versace! Az olasz márka három karakteres színt választott a szezonra: a szenvedélyes pirosat, a friss zöldet és a boldog citromsárgát. Három topmodell, Karlie Kloss, Caroline Trentini és Lex Bolling tűnik fel a kampányban, melyhez a fotókat Mert Alas és Marcus Piggot készítette.
Sexy, bright and geometric - this is Versace! The Italian brand choose three colors for the season, these are the passionate red, the fresh green and the happy yellow. Three top models appear in the campaign: Karlie Kloss, Caroline Trentini and Lex Bolling were shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.
Sexy, bright and geometric - this is Versace! The Italian brand choose three colors for the season, these are the passionate red, the fresh green and the happy yellow. Three top models appear in the campaign: Karlie Kloss, Caroline Trentini and Lex Bolling were shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.
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