A Desigual 'Mondj valami kedveset' kampányának arca nem más, mint, Winnie Harlow. A 19 éves kanadai modell a spanyol márka küldetésének tökéletes példája, miszerint a másság gyönyörű. Winnie a divatvilág legérdekesebb modelljeinek egyike kétszínű bőrpigmentációja miatt, amelyet vitiligo nevű betegségének köszönhet. Ne féljetek különlegesek lenni! :)
Winnie Harlow is the face of Desigual's new campaign, 'Say something nice'. The 19 years old Canadian model is perfectly illustrating the vision of the Spanish brand, that difference is beautiful. Winnie belongs currently to the most interesting models in the world of fashion caused by vitiligo (partial loss of pigmentation). Don't be afraid of being different! :)
Winnie Harlow is the face of Desigual's new campaign, 'Say something nice'. The 19 years old Canadian model is perfectly illustrating the vision of the Spanish brand, that difference is beautiful. Winnie belongs currently to the most interesting models in the world of fashion caused by vitiligo (partial loss of pigmentation). Don't be afraid of being different! :)
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