Kicsit nosztalgikus hangulatban vagyok most az iskolakezdéssel kapcsolatban, és rábukkantam a brazil Vogue szeptemberi számában egy olyan divatmellékletre, ami megmosolyogtatott. Sokszor ugyanis azzal űztem el az unalmas perceket az órákon, hogy hozzárajzoltam a képekhez és kiszíneztem a fekete-fehér lapokat. Ti is gyakran rajzoltatok a tankönyveitekbe? :)
I am in a nostalgic mood about school start, and I found an editorial in the September issue of Vogue Brazil, which made me smile. Sometimes when the lessons were boring, I was drawing to the pictures in my school books and colored the black and white pages. Were you doing this funny thing too? :)
I am in a nostalgic mood about school start, and I found an editorial in the September issue of Vogue Brazil, which made me smile. Sometimes when the lessons were boring, I was drawing to the pictures in my school books and colored the black and white pages. Were you doing this funny thing too? :)
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